Casitas Rowing’s Middle School program is open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students living in Ventura County and surrounding area, regardless of which school they attend including homeschool. 

Middle School Team Begins Saturday SEPTEMBER, 2024

*** For more info, and to get started call Coach Wendy at 805-642-2288 or email

“Casitas Rowing has introduced me to my closest friends, and prepared me for collegiate rowing beyond my imagination... When I was at the lake, I felt I was home. It changed my life. If there’s any sport I recommend, it’s rowing.”
— Casitas Rowing girls team, high school graduate, college scholarship recipient

This program focuses on sculling basics, safety, and boat handling skills. With a dedicated coaching staff, we emphasize fun, fitness, sportsmanship and confidence building, developing life skills that power our rowers to success.

Novice rowers can join Middle School Rowing at the beginning of either fall or spring semesters and the program continues throughout the school year. 

Rowers at this age level do not compete but are encouraged to participate in the club Camp & Row events as well as Club Regattas held at Lake Casitas. 



TUESDAY ALL rowing at the lake
WEDNESDAY HP group: rowing at the lake
THURSDAY HP group: rowing at the lake
SATURDAY ALL rowing at the lake

*** For more info, and to get started Call Coach Wendy at 805-642-2288 or email

A huge thanks to our long time supporters the LA84 Foundation!
… Life Ready Through Sport …

LA84 008.jpg

Link to our Middle School PACKET … (will take you to our online GoogleDocs page):